Simply ME...

A star or a rainy cloud,,, realistic or a dreamer,,, tough or emotional,,, a butterfly or a dolphin,,, it is all about me reflecting the transparent me!

Friday, December 01, 2006

- Hypocrisy -

There are great professional actors everywhere in real life.. it's shocking and truely hard for someone who sees and categorizes everything in black and white to accept what's in the middle..

I just can't accpet the way some of us show and reflect what's extremely opposite to what they hold inside.. I am the worst when it comes to this! The way I feel would be immediately interpreted in my smile, attitude and even in my eyes.. they're easily read...

I don't understand people who come to you and act as if they're your best friends when deep inside you, you know and they know- that the feeling is mutual... and it's far away from anything sweet!

The other day I bumped into someone, who i've last seen months ago, and there was a big (FAKE) smile drawn on the face of course (reflecting the fake 'missing you' sign) etc.. and tons of unnecessary annoying compliments that are based on nothing but lies.. only to discover that a couple of days earlier this same person bumped into one of my close friends and said the opposite of everything that was said to me!

It just made me disgusted... and if im to see this person again I'd clap my hands and offer an acting certificate of merit! It's unbelievable... I didn't ask you to say all the nice 'lies'... so why creating them and wasting your wild imagination? It's not worth it really!!!

Isn't it easier to show what's inside than to do all the effort and spend all your energy on pushing it down and hide it all behind a big 'transparent' mask?!!!

It's simple.... just a black or white...


  • At December 01, 2006 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Poor little you...
    Do you see black and white occurring naturally? Life has a full rainbow of colors and all shades of gray between white and back...
    Don't be too hard on your self, you're a wonderful person (not a compliment)

  • At December 01, 2006 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    This is totally true babe... wo ana aktar wa7deh i can understand ur point cause i know how u r!!!
    just one question... do i know this person??? :)

  • At December 01, 2006 , Blogger and life goes on... said...

    qwaider.. yup it's only a black or white for me! makes my life simpler and easier to filter all the junk...
    anyway, thank you :$

    sus... I called you and told you about it when i was extremely annoyed after cooking at Ammar's and after you left..!

  • At December 01, 2006 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    white and black,

    you cant find it out easly , ppl dont help u ,
    used to say: so if any one going to lie at me its OK lie just make it right and make it 100% cover and i will make it hard to cover"
    yes he did lie make things Fake, but well feel that being HONEST and TURE is more easyier specific with me

    you cant get all , may be i can get 80% just by look in eyes , but even that..
    dono may cuz a bit crazy i say it OK SIR UR NOT HONEST AND THIS IS NOT TURE AT ALL,GET LOST ..

    so ppl more than color , wanna stuck with Black and white you need to handle alotand learn alot .. go help u in that....

  • At December 04, 2006 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    I wrote this long time ago and kind of touches the issue.
    "The road of existence brings enemies and friends, some last, some blast, forever, and as we speed up in our life, we see the flash light in the mirror, and we speed up to get to safe distance and watch as the misguidance filled with lies and fake friendship burns to ashes, but the wind of life still blows the ash toward us, just like by unwritten rule. It comes to our nostrils without any smell, and dives in our lungs, odorless, and stays forever in our blood, to remind us of hypocrites with fake smiles"
    Yes, its simple as black and white, but if all of us had courage to face themselves and then face the others, the world would be a better place.

  • At December 04, 2006 , Blogger and life goes on... said...

    "and stays forever in our blood, to remind us of hypocrites with fake smiles"

    nice words!!! Thanks for sharing :)

  • At December 04, 2006 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Im glad you liked it. Being a constant stranger for many years and traveling for school and later for work, to other countries or regions with diversity of personalities, mentalities etc etc.. I get to meet a lot of people, and i always try to make friends before anything else, but hypocrites have no nation, they are always there. And in my experience its funny how they are all the same... just for dealing with foreigner, they think they will hide their fakeness, like im stupid to recognize... Heads up and wak tall when you see them.. they dont matter, only good thing is to keep them on mind as to know what some people can be like.

  • At December 04, 2006 , Blogger and life goes on... said...

    Stranger in Amman :)
    I know they're always there... but it's sad! for me at least...
    Makes me want to avoid getting to know more people and want to just stick to the friends I already have!

  • At December 06, 2006 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    That's so terrible :S
    cheer up dude!


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