Simply ME...

A star or a rainy cloud,,, realistic or a dreamer,,, tough or emotional,,, a butterfly or a dolphin,,, it is all about me reflecting the transparent me!

Sunday, January 14, 2007

No one KNOWS

Being Nosy can sometimes be too much for me to handle!

Some people's curiousity bothers me to the degree where I'd get extremly annoyed simply because ...
my life is mine..

and if you show the slightest sign that you're interested to know the smallest detail then hard luck..
i'd be super duper secretive!
The crazy thing is that Im the kind of person who really respects other people's privacy... I believe that each one's life is for him/ her to live, not for others to witness or capture ...

if there's something to share then it's up to you.. if there are things to be kept hidden then it's totally up to you too.. and in both senarios I am happy.. in both cases I am content and wouldn't- not even for a second- think that the unshared things mean a weak friendship ... it doesn't make it less precious- for me!!

I believe in the proverb 'curiousity kills the cat', as a person should really control the way he reacts to certain circumstances. Especially when it has to do with other people's lives.

I call them 'ones who live on other people's life stories'...
it's really simple, If you have a life of your own you wouldn't have enough time to think about others'.

And I admire the ones who know their limits.. if they have an opinion they'd say it politely without trying to force it. If they have a thought, they'd share it BUT with respect!

We are adults... and everyone is free to do whatever he believes is right...
decisions to make, life to chose, dreams to pursue, paths to walk...

As no one knows where YOUR true happiness lies more than YOU do...
and No ones knows what makes you happy... more than you do!


  • At January 14, 2007 , Blogger Ammar said...

    In our part of the world, everyone has an opinion, everyone has the best ideas to fix the world..begining with how to mend the deep ideological rifts that caused the misunderstanding between sob7i and lawa7ez, to the way to end the arab-israeli conflict, to the global strategy ought to be used to deal with North Korea's nuclear prolifiration.

    You can never escape people's nosiness and their constant inquisitivness to the smallest details of your life, but what you can simply tell people to mind their own business..or share their smallest details first..when their own lives are up for trade..they'll choose to least with you.

  • At January 14, 2007 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    What?? did you manage to pick up a bunch of stalkers already?

  • At January 14, 2007 , Blogger and life goes on... said...

    Averroes... :) TRUE!

  • At January 15, 2007 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    i was labeled "the mystery lady" on my first year in uni 'cause i once chose not to say sth -which was not that big a deal anyway. now, when smn asks me sth, i just go "why do you wanna know?", or simply "i don't feel like talking about it". one thing i've noticed though; guys can be nosier than girls!(once even my supervising prof wouldn't let it go! it ended with him making assumptions, and me just saying 1 or 2 words to comment, making things even hazier!) ^_^

  • At January 15, 2007 , Blogger and life goes on... said...

    al... yeah i know what you mean! I know someone who kept saying she doesn't know (simply because she seriously DIDN'T KNOW), and was still accused of hiding it! So I thought well if on both cases people will accuse you of being mysterious then just be it... it's not worth the effort of being anything else!

  • At January 20, 2007 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    "I believe in the proverb 'curiousity kills the cat'"

    It's curiousity killed the cat.

  • At January 20, 2007 , Blogger and life goes on... said...

    kills, killed... no big deal for me, really!.. so i'll keep it this way :)


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