Simply ME...

A star or a rainy cloud,,, realistic or a dreamer,,, tough or emotional,,, a butterfly or a dolphin,,, it is all about me reflecting the transparent me!

Friday, January 12, 2007

What a SMALL world

Two months ago, I've got an e-mail from a familiar name... after reading it again i've realised it's from one of the girls who was with me in 'Salopia 94'- a camp in England (Shropshire) back in 1994.
She found my e-mail address from my blog, and my blog from Jordan Planet... I guess.

It made me smile as it always feels great to hear from old friends.. to make sure they're ok...

Im a strong believer in the value of old friendships..

But what was really surprising and thrilling at the same time,,, and made me SUPER happy.. as I was at work yesterday, busy trying to get rid of the piles of papers on my desk... here she comes- the same girl...

It turned out that she was coming to our office to change her date of travelling out of Amman (she lives in the states).. and for some reason- might be my blog or hearing my voice- she knew it was me and came to say HI...

It felt really nice, as the last time we've met was 13 years ago!!!

Oh my God, I was in 6th grade... and a totally different person... SHY , SHY and SHY! Hardly talks... and so isolated from everything and everyone! Hiding in the tent and keeping all the walls up to whomever decide or not decide to be friendly...

We've decided to meet again before she leaves.. hopefully we'll do, as there are LOTS and LOTS to share... it's always exciting to regrow old friendships!


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