Simply ME...

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Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Finally.. I found it!

I spent the last months looking for comfortable high heels wedding sandals, I know it's almost impossible to find ones that have it all.. high heels, wedding sandals and on top of that all to be comfortable. As for the high heels, I just refuse to wear anything that's not high beneath the wedding dress.. flat ones won't look as nice and the dress would look 'ma'toush'. - as if you're ruining the beauty of the dress.

And I was close to giving up,,, and about to show my stubborn side and just end the search by getting rocky sneakers, or just be simple and practical,,, getting rocky beach flip flops!

Being comfortable is a must since wearing them would be for a minimum of 3-4 hours (if talking about the pre-dinner part). After dinner- flat flip flops- anything other than that would be out of the question.
Sandals because I can't imagine wearing anything closed in the summer. It'd feel odd, and very paiful.
Finally, after a long search, I found one that is considered to be the best of what I've seen and tried on,,, it's 10+ cm and I was able to jump, dance, go down and up the stairs 4 times without the slightest feeling of 'ouch.. ouch'!

A small tip if you want to look for the 10+ cm, go for the ones that are high from the front too (rocky style) and the very 'not thin' heels!!


  • At May 22, 2007 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Lols looks very elegant and I love high heels!! my friend before her wedding used to make a training walk at home hehhehe she was suffering..yalla it seems they're comfortable ones ..good luck :)

  • At May 22, 2007 , Blogger PŕōuđPāŀĩ said...

    isnt it amazing how just about we r to lose hope in finding something, it falls from the heavens in our laps!

    lol i can imagine u in a shoe shop hopping around and skipping to try and c how comfy a shoe can be! :D bless!

  • At May 22, 2007 , Blogger and life goes on... said...

    redrose.. loooooool no not this one! This is just a picture!!! haha.. mine are not even white ;) im doing the training everyday ... whenever I am home! :D

  • At May 22, 2007 , Blogger Mais said...

    mabroooook...i'm sure it feels grrreat to find it :) specially it's comfy and nice looking at the same time ;)

    zakarteeni when i was in the wedding the oher day, i told my friend after we stood for sometime watching the zafeh and our feet started aching...i told her hadool el evening shoes are "door to door service" :D ya3ni min el bab lal sayara lal kersi bil ballroom and bil 3aks..we can't stand much or walk a lot with!!
    specially ana law tshoofi keef bemshi..i walk really fast!! i'm always walking in front of my mom or friends..and i have to slow down to be next to them...
    however, when i'm walking side by side with a guy i have no problems :D guys tell me we like walking with you cuz we keep our usual steps and don't have to slow down or anything...i even run with my every day heels with no problems...only those evening pencil heels ones killed me!..buttt for the first time i walked really slowwww like a real lady :p

    A small tip if you want to look for the 10+ cm, go for the ones that are high from the front too (rocky style) and the very 'not thin' heels!!
    yesssss....that's right...when it's high from the front bekoun kteer matter how high the heels are

    mabrook again :))

  • At May 22, 2007 , Blogger and life goes on... said...

    Oriental Arabesque .. HAHAHAH! you carcked me up -as usual!

    'door to door service'.. I know exactly what you mean! this happened to me in February when I had a small party after the Jaha thing, and I took them off after the second song, and wore normal FLAT slippers! I just couldn't stand them.. especially that they were the 'evening pencil heels' type!! So i learned my lesson, and hopefully in the wedding they would be bearable till the dinner at least :D

    The high from the front ones look a little bit funny, I must admit that, but they're so comfy! And after all, they would be hidden under the dress :D I wish we had those rocky formal wedding sneakers :$

  • At May 22, 2007 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    High heels makes a big difference, they change the whole look.. I like the type of sandals that you can tie with a long ribbon around your ankle ?? have u seen those, they are very pretty..

  • At May 22, 2007 , Blogger and life goes on... said...

    PŕōuđPāŀĩ.. I just got your comment! :$ don't ask me how!!? it's so confusing!! :S

    yeaaaaaaah! i even started to dance and jump there! I dont' care at all to what people think when it's something that has to do with my own comfort! LOOL ;) this was a 'ham o inza7'.. i just wanted to get over with it.. il 7amdilla now im done!

  • At May 22, 2007 , Blogger and life goes on... said...

    Noura.. I LOVE THOSE! and as you said high heels make all the difference, Im just too scared from the stairs part.. :$ But Im training real hard on that one ;)

    I didn't get those because they're usually not that comfy.. i mean for long dancing hours! But for an outing - they are the best ;) very ELEGANT indeed!

  • At May 23, 2007 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    i guess so it's much easier for a guy to get married!

  • At May 23, 2007 , Blogger ma7joob said...

    Am I the first guy to comment on this post !!! hehe

    Ok I just wanted to say, I have no idea why do you go through all this pain and trouble trying to wear heels!!! I don’t know , I just can’t understand why would you do that , or maybe it’s just a female thing !!!

  • At May 23, 2007 , Blogger and life goes on... said...

    Hareega.. for sure it is! especially when the girl is stuck with all the preparations and planning! haha ... and then there's the hair, makeup.. lots and lots of issues! the guy just gets the suit and bravo 3alaih.. ya3tee il 3afieh shou ta33ab 7alo! LOOL

    ma7joob.. because as I said in the post, the dress would look 'ma'toush'.. it will lose its beauty! Im not short, Im average, but this is the occasion where you need to look TALL ;)

  • At May 23, 2007 , Blogger di.di said...

    finding the "right" shoes and comfy can gives you a headache!! it is surely a tough job!


  • At May 24, 2007 , Blogger and life goes on... said...

    Drama Div@.. thank you :D

  • At May 25, 2007 , Blogger Sam said...

    you have to post a picture!! it took me a long time to find sandals for my wedding and just few weeks before the wedding when i was about to give up and wear uncomfy ones i found them...they were so high but so comfortable..hey my wedding was in july too july18, the best day ever!..july is a cool month to get married and it also a cool month to have a baby in as well..:)
    mabrook on your shoes:)

  • At May 25, 2007 , Blogger and life goes on... said...

    Sam .. hahaha! hilarious! a cool month to get married .. yeah I can't agree more ;) but to have a baby too.. ummm didn't think about this yet !! :D .. all I know is that I'll do my best to avoid a baby Gemini!!! That would be too much for my 'T' to handle... HAHA

    Mine are too high but comfy.. but I wonder how many dances would I be able to do before starting to say.. Get me my flip flops!! :) :D :)

  • At May 25, 2007 , Blogger Sam said...

    o yeh definalty no baby yet..enjoy your marriage first then baby comes next..i meant i got married in july and had one of my kids in july...i'll try to have my third in julyish too...:o)
    even if your feet hurt you will not care..u will be having too much fun to notice it..:)

  • At May 25, 2007 , Blogger and life goes on... said...

    Sam.. Ohhhh :) yeaaah! A baby girl inshalla.. ;) a January born baby girl would be cool ,,, a taurus baby girl is great (they're smart ;)).. I like them! And virgos are lovely (my best friend is a virgo) :D


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