Simply ME...

A star or a rainy cloud,,, realistic or a dreamer,,, tough or emotional,,, a butterfly or a dolphin,,, it is all about me reflecting the transparent me!

Friday, November 02, 2007


From day one, I decided that my relationship with bloggers would be through blogs ONLY!
This is what I wanted, because of many reasons, but the most important is that I don't want more drama.. I have enough of the ' you said... I said... ' stuff. I had enough of the talking about people and the gossiping which thank God is one thing I don't experience here..

But anyway, I guess with all the limitations and restrictions.. and my absence in the past few weeks, or even in the month or two that followed my wedding.. I couldn't avoid this CRAP!

As much as you try to avoid it.. and as much as you try to keep yourself away, you would get dragged eventually in the most ridiculous arguments and the 'I said.. you said' bullshit.

I mean people c'mmon.. who cares? really.. why would I care to be listening to this crap when I have more important things to do, and when Im the least interested in what's happening with bloggers! I have enough friends to worry about.. I have enough people to care about.. why would I be interested to know about bloggers' stories especially the ones whom I've never met!!! why... THINK!!!?!!


  • At November 02, 2007 , Blogger asoom said...

    I Love this post!!!

    I decided to be totally anonymous for pretty much the same reason you decided to "avoid bloggers", I wanted blogging to be enjoyable and not something that makes life more complicated because of petty drama that everyday life already has.

  • At November 02, 2007 , Blogger Rebellious Arab Girl said...

    i agree with you 100%!! i am sick of bloggers with no life that just talk talk and want to cause problems because their life is so empty!

    i like sticking to my real life and worrying about it and blog for fun as a hobby only.. nothing more.

  • At November 02, 2007 , Blogger asoom said...

    thanks for adding me, and welcome to my blog roll!

  • At November 02, 2007 , Blogger and life goes on... said...

    asoom.. you are more than welcome !! :) I totally understand the reasons behind bloggers choosing to be anonymous.. it makes more sense with every stupid incident like this one!

    Rebellious Arab Girl.. when you have a life with so much going on and so many people to care about.. worry about, i doubt that you'll have time for those stuff honestly!

  • At November 02, 2007 , Blogger Marvin said...

    Yeesh! You are just having a bad week with creepy people, aren't you! Yuck! I sure hope it gets better.

    I agree, blogs are a hobby, not a life, and not a replacement for "real" relationships. It's a nice diversion, that's all.

  • At November 03, 2007 , Blogger Unknown said...

    Yea this is hell better,internet gossiping is really so annoying.

  • At November 03, 2007 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    ur right 100% !! i totally agree with u .

  • At November 03, 2007 , Blogger Moey said...

    I don't know you much, I liked your post and I think It hits the target.

  • At November 03, 2007 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    "when you have a life with so much going on and so many people to care about.. worry about, i doubt that you'll have time for those stuff honestly!"

    You're absolutely right!

  • At November 03, 2007 , Blogger Abed. Hamdan said...

    pretty wise decision. The blogsphere is full of stalkers who have nothing to do but gossip! I chated with some, but then I decided to block them. I kept very close few.

    I regret starting blogging with my name! I'd love start a new blog with anonymous name. Actually I tried that but I failed.

  • At November 03, 2007 , Blogger and life goes on... said...

    Marvin the Martian.. not a bad week.. or let's say it got bad when I tried to be online more often!

    IRC President .. IT IS! I mean I haven't even met those in person!!!

  • At November 03, 2007 , Blogger and life goes on... said...

    Moey.. glad it did! cause the last thing I want is to get dragged in such stupidity again!

    Abed. Hamdan.. wise decision :)

    I think i would like to blog as an anonymous.. for a change :D

  • At November 03, 2007 , Blogger and life goes on... said...

    Iman.. I mean Im staying away from all the stuff that I don't have time for and that I consider a waste of time.. but it's still not working! HOW WEIRD!

    Aya Almusa .. :)

  • At November 03, 2007 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Being anonymous helps you freely express yourself, while staying away from the drama people bring upon you.. I totally agree that anonymity has its advantages

  • At November 03, 2007 , Blogger and life goes on... said...

    secratea .. I thought about it many times.. ummm :S

  • At November 03, 2007 , Blogger Life said...

    :) Sounds quite intense.. but True..I hope whatever caused this is gone now..
    I agree that getting personal with some people is a BIG mistake..
    But As long as you realise it and do something about it.. then its all good..
    I simply block and delete with no hesetation or second thought..
    But I have to admit that I do have some friend whome I met through blogging.. and they are close and nice.. and at the same time SOME whome I NEVER EVER want to see EVER again in my whole life...
    :) Cheer up.. because life goes on.. :)

  • At November 04, 2007 , Blogger Hani Obaid said...

    Well only time I was worried about using my real name was when I had written somethign controversial and got threats.

    The people I live with were worried someone was going to come shoot them. fun aint it ?

  • At November 04, 2007 , Blogger and life goes on... said...

    Life ... blocking and deleting was something I used to do in the past.. but now I don't even want to get myself to that point. I want to make it shorter and avoid such annoying things that I don't have time for from the beginning.. Anyway yeah it's gone :) do you think I would leave it driving me mad for more than a couple of hours! Of course not.. it's history :)

  • At November 04, 2007 , Blogger and life goes on... said...

    Hani ... WOW!!!! umm, i never thought it might get to this degree.. from blogging!!! ummm.


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