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Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Movies and the Economic Crisis

Where did all the good movies go?! I thought those at least won't be affected. Or I thought that it's not fair for them to be affected! But well just like everything else, I guess they couldn't really avoid the negativity of this crisis.

A year ago I was confused looking at all the previews and thinking to myself I want to watch every single movie.. so I have to find the time. And now it's just the opposite.. I can't seem to find a movie that is worth saying Oh I really want to see this or that. They're just horrible. Low budget movies, and I really mean that.
Where all the scenes are taken in just one studio location and they are just too boring! I can't stop myself from thinking is it really worth the time.. is it worth wasting 2 hours? They're bad to the degree that I'd be thinking about other things while watching.. like when will it be over, or what would I be doing if I am not watching!!

Someone should really be doing something about it...!
Any recommendations people? Are there any recent movies worth watching?

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  • At April 28, 2009 , Blogger asoom said...

    Well I'm not sure what kind of movies you're into, I usually like the low-budget type. Months ago I felt like there were too many good movies out to catch up with. Most of them are now on dvd: the reader, revolutionary road, slumdog, he's just not that into you, and for me twilight and shopaholic coming out was really exciting since I read those books way before there was talk of any movie.

    I saw Fighting yesterday. I'd say it was good, but not great..definitely not excellent. I'm looking forward to angels and demons coming out.

    Let us know if you see any good ones!

  • At April 29, 2009 , Blogger and life goes on... said...

    thanks a lot asoom!!!
    We started the reader but didn't finish it, i think we'll be watching it this week. I've watched slumdog long time ago in Dubai! he's just not that into you- i have it, but because my hubby watched it earlier alone, so i'll have to find a time when I can watch it alone.
    I watched twilight on the flight to Sydney, and shopaholic in the cinema. but those are old :$ like three or two months old. :$

    What I meant is that we're in this phase when we can't really find anything worth seeing in the movies!

    I'll let you know if i find anything interesting.. did you watch changeling?

  • At May 05, 2009 , Blogger asoom said...

    Ur welcome! Changeling is a great movie and it's based on something that really happened. However I have to warn you, it's definitely not a feel-good movie.


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