Simply ME...

A star or a rainy cloud,,, realistic or a dreamer,,, tough or emotional,,, a butterfly or a dolphin,,, it is all about me reflecting the transparent me!

Friday, June 19, 2009

Dear Anonymous

magnify this user (Mtc Gprs Networks) [Label IP Address]

Al Kuwayt, Kuwait, Kuwait, 7 returning visits

The 'this is the first time I read your posts' is a stupid attempt of a lie for the simple reason that you googled my 'dudettesblog' first to get the link, and for someone who has 7 returning visits in one day.. yeah right you are from the 'truly do not care' group.

Keep it this way, and stay AWAY!


  • At June 20, 2009 , Anonymous Qwaider قويدر said...

    How did you know [from the IP] it's the same person, who left the comment?
    The reason I ask is that Blogger doesn't provide PII information, and statcounter can't load in the secore comment page. So there was a conclusion that you jumped to, that may (or may not) be true.

  • At June 20, 2009 , Blogger and life goes on... said...

    I knew this, not from the IP address. I get the visitors path. I've seen them all and compared them to the time I last logged to my account -from Sydney, with the time Nido was reading one of my posts (since we were chatting about something in one of the posts), and then I got all the names of the visitors after that..

    There were few..

    All of them were reading my last post (which makes sense), except for this one, who read many other posts - including the one with the nasty comment.

    So it was not a conclusion, and I didn't jump to anything.. or made up things ;) now it's a fact. :)

  • At June 21, 2009 , Blogger Maijaury said...

    Good One Dood ;)

  • At June 25, 2009 , Anonymous Qwaider قويدر said...

    I'm ust happy it wasn't me :)

  • At June 25, 2009 , Blogger and life goes on... said...

    Qwaider.. yeah ! me too :P


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