stop asking me 'what's wrong?!!!', please!
and then a person comes and keeps asking you 'what's wrong with you?!',,, 'Is there anything wrong?!',,, 'you look different today!',,, 'is everything ok?!',,, 'Is there anything you want to tell me?!!'
Even if there WAS nothing wrong.. not even the slightest thing going wrong... just hearing those words continuously makes you in an extremely bad mood, and you'd get to feel that there must be something wrong! So you start to create things, or come up with things, that would make your world look gloomier!
The other day, -I never and I mean NEVER had the black bags under my eyes'.. never knew what they meant, or how they looked.. never even bothered to buy a concealer to hide such things, and then someone told me you have black bags under your eyes! And now whenever I look in the mirror I keep checking under my eyes.. It just terribly annoys me.
So if there's nothing wrong going on, by hearing such words, many things start to look wrong or bad for you.
Recently, I've decided to be around people who reflect some positive energy and a positive attitude. Somestimes saying small words- that you think have little meaning- can make someone extremely bothered. Even if you say them to show you care, or to show your love... such things if said in a wrong time or a wrong way, they would have the very opposite meaning.
It's really important to chose the ones you want to spend your free time with,,, the ones you want to include in outings... lately, I felt that some people can make you feel down easily. No matter how good you feel, they turn to experts when it comes to ruining your mood!
Think before you say things, If each one gets to be treated in the same way he treats people.. Im sure there will be less trouble .. and definitely less headaches!